Smoked paprika mashed potatoes: elevate your comfort food

When it comes to comfort food, mashed potatoes are a classic that never disappoints. But if you're looking to add a little extra flavor and excitement to your mashed potatoes, then smoked paprika is the secret ingredient you need. This article will explore the wonderful world of smoked paprika mashed potatoes, providing you with tips, tricks, and recipe ideas to elevate your mashed potato game.

Table of Contents

Why Smoked Paprika?

Smoked paprika is a spice made from dried and smoked red bell peppers, which adds a smoky, slightly sweet, and earthy flavor to dishes. It is commonly used in Spanish and Mediterranean cuisine, but its versatility makes it a great addition to many recipes. When added to mashed potatoes, smoked paprika brings a unique twist that takes this humble side dish to a whole new level.

How to Make Smoked Paprika Mashed Potatoes

Making smoked paprika mashed potatoes is a simple process that starts with the basic mashed potato recipe. Here's a step-by-step guide:

  • Peel and chop potatoes into small, evenly-sized pieces.
  • Boil the potatoes in salted water until they are fork-tender.
  • Drain the potatoes and return them to the pot.
  • Add butter, cream, and sour cream to the pot.
  • Mash the potatoes using a potato masher or a fork until smooth and creamy.
  • Now, it's time to add the star ingredient - smoked paprika. Start with a teaspoon and adjust according to your taste preferences.
  • Mix the mashed potatoes and smoked paprika until well combined.
  • Season with salt and pepper to taste.
  • Serve hot and enjoy!

Enhancing the Flavor

While smoked paprika alone can elevate your mashed potatoes, there are several other ingredients you can add to enhance the flavor even further. Here are some ideas:


Roasted garlic adds a rich and savory taste to mashed potatoes. Simply roast a few cloves of garlic in the oven until they are soft and caramelized, then mash them into the potatoes along with the other ingredients.

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Adding cheese to mashed potatoes creates a creamy and indulgent dish. Cheddar, Parmesan, or Gruyere are excellent choices. Grate the cheese and fold it into the mashed potatoes until melted and well incorporated.


Fresh herbs like rosemary, thyme, or chives can bring a burst of freshness to your mashed potatoes. Finely chop the herbs and mix them into the mashed potatoes for an added layer of flavor.


For a touch of smokiness and crunch, crispy bacon bits can be sprinkled on top of the mashed potatoes. Alternatively, you can fry the bacon until crispy, crumble it, and mix it into the potatoes.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What can I add to mashed potatoes that are bland?

A: If your mashed potatoes are bland, try adding ingredients like garlic, cheese, herbs, or bacon to enhance the flavor. Smoked paprika can also work wonders in adding a smoky and flavorful twist.

Q: What can I add to instant mashed potatoes to make them taste better?

A: Instant mashed potatoes can be easily elevated by adding ingredients like butter, cream, sour cream, garlic powder, cheese, or smoked paprika. Experiment with different combinations to find your favorite flavor profile.

smoked paprika mashed potatoes - What to add to mashed potatoes for flavor reddit

Q: What are some things I can add to mashed potatoes to make them extra delicious?

A: In addition to the traditional ingredients like cream, butter, and sour cream, you can try adding cream cheese, roasted garlic, different types of cheese, herbs, bacon, or smoked paprika to make your mashed potatoes extra delicious.

Smoked paprika mashed potatoes are a delightful twist on the classic comfort food. The smoky and slightly sweet flavor of smoked paprika takes mashed potatoes to a whole new level of deliciousness. Experiment with different ingredients like garlic, cheese, herbs, or bacon to enhance the flavor even further. Whether you're serving them as a side dish or as the star of the show, these smoked paprika mashed potatoes are sure to impress.

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